4 Quotes & Sayings By James Lileks

James Lileks is an American writer, columnist, humorist, editor, cartoonist, and radio host. He uses these various artistic talents to tell the often-bizarre stories of his life as a single parent. His work has appeared in The Washington Post, Playboy, Esquire, The New Yorker, Diner's Journal, the National Review, the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune Review of Books, and other periodicals.

If Mother had to be told not to shove the entire brick of Ivory up Junior's hindquarters, constipation is the least of his problems. James Lileks
If you can pick the baby up without him squirting our of your hands like a bar of soap in the shower, he's not oiled up enough. James Lileks
I still couldn't imagine that she was really, truly pregnant; maybe this was an hysterical pregnancy. But Sarah was never hysterical. Enthusiastic, yes, ironic on occasion. I couldn't imagine a doctor saying, "No, it's just an ironic pregnancy. James Lileks